Make your ABS business flexible

The ABS market is growing in sophistication. Investors and originators in this specialized market need flexible, purpose-built applications that they can integrate quickly and cost-effectively into their business. They want reliable technology that they can adapt to fit their existing processes.

At Securitisation Consulting, we know this market intimately. We can offer a wide portfolio of solutions for the structured finance business and support market players, involved in the process of securitisation.

To get to know more about our products, please select any of the following solutions:

ABSPlatform™ Generic
ABSPlatform™ gives you the tools to succeed within the complex ABS market. Find all information related to the generic functionality of ABSPlatform™ and see how it is suitable for any kind of business in the area of securitisation.

ABSPlatform™ for Investors
The Investor Edition is designed for institutional ABS/CDO/MBS investors such as banks, funds or insurance companies.

ABSPlatform™ for CDO/CLO Managers
The work of CDO or CLO manager is highly specialised. This edition is designed to support all management processes - from the first selection of assets to the generation of the final investment report.

ABSPlatform™ for Originators
ABSPlatform™ is also a superb tool for originators, especially first-time originators based anywhere in the world.

Want to find out more? Please contact us or call our sales manager.

Our Information Compact
To obtain all information about our services at a glance please download the new brochure.